About Art and More: A Dialogue with Eternity
What does art in Russia associate with for me? Enlightenment? Beauty? Freedom? Unfortunately, no. It is a symbol of emptiness.
When art in Europe moved from museums and palaces to streets and squares, the prevailing censorship and dictatorship of the proletariat gradually slowed down and soon completely stifled any expression of creativity. Only those who agreed to cooperate with the authorities found a comfortable position. They executed very specific directives and orders, stepping beyond which meant a lifetime ticket to the camps.
Thus, we received propaganda that successfully learned to utilize artistic techniques. During the period of perestroika, attempts at freedom became more realistic, but talented artists preferred to leave rather than exhibiting in little-visited galleries. Why would they continue to struggle for survival when there is a more reasonable way out?
On the ruins of Soviet Union cultural policy, without proper state funding, it was difficult to build anything. We quickly lost our positions and, over the last century, created virtually nothing new except for the constructivism of the 1920s and 1930s.
What remains is the rich national heritage inherited from the Russian Empire, and the huge gaps in the souls of ordinary people who were once isolated from the world. Year after year, these voids were filled with patriotism, a sense of duty to the motherland, and overachievement of work plans.
Contemporary Art in Russia: The Lack of New Forms and Ideas
As I mentioned, we fell out of the historical and artistic context. Therefore, it would be useful to fill in the gaps, broaden our understanding of beauty, and this time avoid past mistakes when the masses were turned into mute, pliable material, shaped by entirely different creators. This is the main idea of the "Admiration" section.
Additionally, I would like Russian artists to stop being associated with the uncertainty inherent in my country, or we will have to cover the mirrors again... *
* This text was written in 2017. Today, my words sound even darker.
Why Do We Need Art? And Why Will This Section Be Useful for Everyone?
Without art, we lose ourselves. Such a life is doomed to a beastly existence. To avoid ending up on the sidelines, we all need to learn how to creatively comprehend reality.
No matter where in the world you are, think about this.
What Did I Do?
Since I lacked the courage to pick up a brush in my free time, I decided to collect paintings and antiques. To be honest, it's a fascinating activity.
Throughout history, conquerors have tried to seize paintings, sculptures, libraries, or masterpieces of applied arts. Priceless and immortal…
So, push yourself to be interested in the past, it's a mistake to forget it, or challenge the established order and create something yourself. Change is beautiful!
Participation in Social Projects
Gradually, I came to understand that besides collecting, it is equally important to engage in social projects. In 2017, together with the charity foundation "Territory of Kindness," we organized a drawing contest for children with disabilities. However, circumstances led me to freeze IKONA RUSSIA until 2024. I knew I would do more good in the field of information security, so I chose a different path.
Nevertheless, the beginning has been made. I hope that in the near future, I will manage to implement something worthwhile, no matter how incredibly difficult it may be.
Can We Do Without Art?
No, the power of creativity transforms. Shake off the sleepy stupor and break out of the observed reality. Start with articles at least!
Discover new styles and concepts. Learn interesting information. Believe me, beauty takes the most diverse and contradictory forms.
It's time to compensate for the imbalance with knowledge and rid ourselves of the signs of post-revolutionary violence.
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