day     night



The whole life is a memory. Whether you sleep or not, the brain browses the pictures of the past, nonexistent, present, and future. We all see it, but we don't pay attention to these points, but the only thing we need to do is just to concentrate and analyze them!
To understand this world, I suggest you go back to the basics; that's how the memories are going to help. They contain your soul, your actions, your thoughts, and all of you ... This will make it possible to get the sense of your life, to feel safer, to fix up the events that have turned into a burden.
Everybody makes mistakes, but not everyone manages to face the past. Even though it's the experience exactly, that is a reason to give thought to the purpose and way we go!
Every breath makes us older, so we need to become more intelligent and stronger from day to day. Not only be curious about what's going on in this world but always go back to your memories and put them in order. It may require more than a spoiled pair of gloves...
Paying attention to this you'll set in motion the mechanisms of finding a purpose of life. Carl Gustav Jung stated that that the meaningless of existence is an obstacle to the perfect life, as it's an equivalent of illness.
Accept these words having a try of the main vital pleasures available to anyone who has not yet gone into the other world. Be not only a reflector of your own identity but its creator. You can't change the past, it is possible to change the present, but only after you get more familiar with yourself...   

Предыдущий пост REVELATION. Day 365 Следующий пост REVELATION. Chance for Second Life
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